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The Oriental Story Book: A Collection of Tales Page 3



  Once upon a time, on a fine afternoon, the Caliph Chasid was seated onhis sofa in Bagdad: he had slept a little, (for it was a hot day,) andnow, after his nap, looked quite happy. He smoked a long pipe ofrosewood, sipped, now and then, a little coffee which a slave pouredout for him, and stroked his beard, well-satisfied, for the flavorpleased him. In a word, it was evident that the Caliph was in a goodhumor. At this season one could easily speak with him, for he wasalways very mild and affable; on which account did his Grand-Vizier,Mansor, seek him at this hour, every day.

  On the afternoon in question he also came, but looked very serious,quite contrary to his usual custom. The Caliph removed the pipe, amoment, from his mouth, and said, "Wherefore, Grand-Vizier, wearestthou so thoughtful a visage?"

  The Grand-Vizier folded his arms crosswise over his breast, madereverence to his lord, and answered: "Sir, whether I wear a thoughtfullook, I know not, but there, below the palace, stands a trader who hassuch fine goods, that it vexes me not to have abundant money."

  The Caliph, who had often before this gladly indulged his Vizier, sentdown his black slave to bring up the merchant, and in a moment theyentered together. He was a short, fat man, of swarthy countenance andtattered dress. He carried a chest in which were all kinds ofwares--pearls and rings, richly-wrought pistols, goblets, and combs.The Caliph and his Vizier examined them all, and the former at lengthpurchased fine pistols for himself and Mansor, and a comb for theVizier's wife. When the pedler was about to close his chest, theCaliph espied a little drawer, and inquired whether there were waresin that also. The trader drew forth the drawer, and pointed outtherein a box of black powder, and a paper with strange characters,which neither the Caliph nor Mansor could read.

  "I obtained these two articles, some time ago, from a merchant, whofound them in the street at Mecca," said the trader. "I know not whatthey contain. They are at your service for a moderate price; I can donothing with them." The Caliph, who gladly kept old manuscripts in hislibrary, though he could not read them, purchased writing and box, anddischarged the merchant. The Caliph, however, thought he would like toknow what the writing contained, and asked the Vizier if he knew anyone who could decipher it.

  "Most worthy lord and master," answered he, "near the great Mosquelives a man called 'Selim the Learned,' who understands all languages:let him come, perhaps he is acquainted with these mysteriouscharacters."

  The learned Selim was soon brought in. "Selim," said the Caliph tohim, "Selim, they say thou art very wise; look a moment at thismanuscript, and see if thou canst read it. If thou canst, thou shaltreceive from me a new festival-garment; if not, thou shalt have twelveblows on the cheek, and five and twenty on the soles of the feet,since, in that case, thou art unjustly called Selim the Learned."

  Selim bowed himself and said, "Sire, thy will be done!" For a longtime he pored over the manuscript, but suddenly exclaimed, "This isLatin, sire, or I will suffer myself to be hung."

  "If it is Latin, tell us what is therein," commanded the Caliph. Selimbegan to translate:--

  "Man, whosoever thou mayest be that findest this, praise Allah for hisgoodness! Whoever snuffs of the dust of this powder, and at the sametime says, MUTABOR, can change himself into any animal, and shall alsounderstand its language. If he wishes to return to the form of a man,then let him bow three times to the East, and repeat the same word.But take thou care, if thou be transformed, that thou laugh not;otherwise shall the magic word fade altogether from thy remembrance,and thou shalt remain a beast!"

  When Selim the Learned had thus read, the Caliph was overjoyed. Hemade the translator swear to tell no one of their secret, presentedhim a beautiful garment, and discharged him. To his Grand-Vizier,however, he said: "That I call a good purchase, Mansor! How can Icontain myself until I become an animal! Early in the morning, do thoucome to me. Then will we go together into the country, take a littlesnuff out of my box, and hear what is said in the air and in thewater, in the forest and in the field."